mba award winners

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oast boasts

things we’re proud of

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Proud owners of our Training and Development Award!

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mba award winners


In recognition for our efforts and work in training and developing our employees we were presented with an award at the 2014 Medway Business Awards.

Not only a great achievement for our hard working teams but an impressive shout out to our partner in training crime, Donovan Training Associates.

After attending an Account Management course run by Anthony Donovan our Director Matt decided to take on the impressive services Anthony and his team offer.

Working together to create multiple bespoke training scenarios we put the teams through their paces in real life work situations. The aim? – to build confidence throughout the studio in delivering the service levels and commitment to perfection that our clients deserve.

To have this work acknowledged by the MBA judges was a huge achievement and left us with a sense of pride and a beautiful reminder for our trophy cabinet!

We’re proud to partner with Anthony and his team and have been creating and implementing training sessions with them ever since. Our Account Directors even have regular coaching sessions directly with Anthony himself!


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